Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The first Look at your Bundle of Joy

I will never forget the first ultra sound. The very first time I got to see my baby. My tummy was still small and just starting to show. To see that little body on the screen and watch how busy that little one was. Did not like the sound waves the ultra sound gave off. Kept moving away from the thing couldn't seem to get a good picture.

The tears rolled down my cheek. The smile that was on my Fiance's face from ear to ear, give the joker a run for his money I promise you that. The sense of pride I felt. The feeling of nervousness and being scared, would I be a good parent, how will they look at me... so many different questions and emotions in one day. But the one that stood out from them all was the fact I was going to be a mum and all i could picture was my man holding his daughter/son for the first time, and how that big man structure will just melt away into this marshmallow cuddly being. But also the fear I will only be able to see knowing exactly what he will be thinking, will we be able to give that little being everything that they will deserve...

The sudden realisation hits you like a ton of bricks when you see little one for the first time. Realisation of reality. Of the responsibility you now have on your hands. Now your life begins with worry. I thought I worried for nothing, but now my worries will have all the reasons to be there.

When my doctor asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, before I could answer my fiance said yes, he was hoping for a baby girl. He told me he would not be able to parent another one of himself. Story goes your baby and the trouble they give you is ten fold to what we gave our parents all so we can turn around and say to them we are so sorry.
To our happiest dreams, it was a little girl. We named her Annabelle Dawn, after all the names we went through and saying no to each other. We sat down one night on our bed with the baby book and looked till we saw Annabeth, I liked it but he did not. So I found Annabelle and he like Dawn putting them together gave me this sense of beauty. The beauty I know she will have both inside and out.

Each time we went for our scans we would check to see if it was still a baby girl just to make sure. Each time there was almost no doubt for my doctor that it was a girl.

That was it my time was a mom was now perfect. I was to be a mom to a little princess!!

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